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Spring Cleaning Strategies for Families Affected by Dementia

Spring Cleaning Strategies for Families Affected by Dementia

SPRING CLEANING STRATEGIES FOR FAMILIES AFFECTED BY DEMENTIA Spring cleaning is a tradition that brings a sense of renewal and freshness to many households. However, for families affected by dementia, this task can present unique challenges.    As a Certified...

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7 Ways to Make Letting Go a Daily Habit

7 Ways to Make Letting Go a Daily Habit

We spend all our lives collecting things, from everyday household goods to the clothing we wear and all the other things we buy to fulfill our wants and needs. We fill our homes with things we use on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Before we know it, our...

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A Safe Haven is an Organized Haven

A Safe Haven is an Organized Haven

A safe haven is an organized haven, as organization is key for a senior to thrive wherever it is they call home. Clutter is known to have negative effects on the psyche of any person, but clutter also happens to be a significant safety hazard for a senior who might...

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Nicole’s 2022 Holiday Gift Guide for Organizers

Nicole’s 2022 Holiday Gift Guide for Organizers

Happy December! Can you believe we are in the last month of 2022? Has this year flown by or what?! I know, I know... don't we say the same thing every year?!   Christmas is now right around the corner, and for all of you online shoppers, I’ve put together a...

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