Spring Cleaning: Clean Up & Clear Out

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Springtime is great for taking stock of your home and its contents. As you are spring cleaning, find ways to not only clean up, but to also clear out! Holding onto things that do not serve a purpose in your home or your life, will only leave you with more to clean. Take this time to clear out the excess!



Do you get overwhelmed at the thought of starting your spring cleaning project because everywhere you need to clean there is an abundance of items to remove / relocate first?

Have you ever felt like your house still looked dirty after you’ve cleaned it, because it still looks so cluttered?

If so, take the opportunity this spring to clear out the clutter from each space before cleaning it up.

If you take yourself and your decisions about letting go seriously, I promise you will feel great about your newly cleared and cleaned spaces!



Figuring out where to start can be challenging when you have a whole house to clean and organize.

It’s a big job – and the only way to tackle it is to do so head-on.

Breaking a household management project down into small, manageable tasks and tackling one room or area at a time will minimize the chance of disruption and failure. 

The best place to start is with a plan. Devising a plan in the beginning will go a long way towards getting your home organized and clean this spring.

If you are worried about seeing all your chores on paper and getting overwhelmed, don’t be!

Don’t let it paralyze you from getting started

“Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a dreaded list of chores. It can be a rewarding experience that helps provide some structure and organization in your life.” – Peter Walsh

Organized Haven | Spring Cleaning Quote by Peter Walsh

Bookmark this blog post for more on getting organized when you don’t know where to start: https://organizedhaven.com/how-to-get-organized-when-you-dont-know-where-to-start/



Choose a space that needs decluttering – preferably one that tops your list based on the amount of time you spend there and how much you use the space.

Whether it be your home office desk or your bathroom closet, tackle this space in a short timeline while you’re there.

For example: spend ten minutes tossing unused or expired products from your bathroom cabinet while the little ones are in the tub.

Or, put away everything on your flat surfaces in your bedroom with your last ten minutes before laying down in bed for the night.

Vacuum the floor during commercial breaks of your favorite evening TV show.

If you are working on a bigger project and have more time, pull everything out of your area and sort it into four contained piles: keep, donate/sell, toss and relocate.

Inevitably, there will be items there that belong somewhere else.

Resist the urge to relocate them immediately – manage your piles with boxes / bags and rehome the items belonging in a different space in the house AFTER you’re done with the room or area you are working on.

For all of the items that you decided to sell / donate, you will want to put them in the car immediately!

Set a time for yourself to drop them off at your favorite charity or consignment store to drop and say goodbye to them right away!


Containing everything you’re keeping is a big part of setting up a new organizing system that works for how you use your things. 

Start by using containers you already have in your home.

There is no need to go out and buy expensive organizing containers at this stage, if at all. 

Whether they are aesthetically pleasing or not, they will help you solve your immediate need for putting like things together, creating categories, and assigning homes for all of your things. 

Create a system that is simple and efficient.

The best way to do this is by labeling each bin.

I like using labels because they teach/remind everyone in the house to put things back where they go! 

The definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

To avoid rearranging things over and over again and for peace of mind, teach your family members how to use the system you created.

Once you have a solid idea of how much space you have to contain the items you’re saving, and if you have it in your budget to purchase some new containers, choose permanent ones that are clear, stackable, and durable enough to stand the test of time.

I like clear containers as a back-up to labeling, but also because they go well with any color scheme or backdrop.

Be sure to measure the space and the contents before doing any container shopping!

Know the W x D x H of each shelf and space you intend to place a container or other organizing product.

Don’t guestimate! Grab a measuring tape, pencil and paper and draw it out!

Look at your notes before purchasing anything and save time and money in the process!



Now that your flat surface areas and household spaces are cleared of all the clutter and items you no longer need, you can visibly see and physically access shelves, drawers, floors and areas that need to be wiped down.

I like to be prepared for the clean up stage by having my cleaning caddy handy with my favorite multi-purpose spray bottle, glass cleaner, stainless steel cleaning solution, cleaning cloths, magic eraser and scrub brush.

Here is the caddy I use. I have one in the car too to contain my job supplies for packing and organizing projects.

Click the image to be taken to Amazon for purchase. If you purchase with this link, we’ll receive a small commission at no cost to you.

This comes with me from space to space so I have everything I need without having to run back and forth and it is easy to carry.

Feel free to be flexible with yourself as to where things go when you are putting things back together.

Oftentimes, when you remove everything from a cabinet to clean the shelves, you’ll find new ways of putting things back in based on how it works for you and your family. 

Cleaning up is not a one-time process. In order to keep your home clutter free and clean, you must use the system you create and follow a routine or schedule that keeps disorganization at bay.

Follow the in-and-out rule that for every new item that comes into your home, remove two other things.

This will go a long way to helping you avoid accumulating clutter in the future. 

One last tip I’ll leave you with: Realize that you can’t do it alone all the time.

When doing your Spring Cleaning: Clean Up & Clear Out project, get help from your family.

They use the space too and should be involved in making it functional and tidy. 

Another option is to hire a Professional Organizer to help you accomplish your spring cleaning project.

A Professional Organizer would be especially helpful if you have trouble keeping up with routine chores, whether physically, mentally or because of a lack of time.

Also, if you recently experienced or are facing a major life event such as a family death, divorce, or a move.

You can find one near you by going to www.NAPO.net


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Happy Spring Cleaning,



By: Nicole Ramer, CPO®, SMM~C®

(Certified Professional Organizer® & Certified Senior Move Manager®)

© 2022 Organized Haven. All rights reserved.


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