Reflecting on a Year of Simplifying: Lessons Learned

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As 2024 draws to a close, I find myself looking back on a year of simplifying both life and business. While this journey was filled with challenges, it also brought invaluable lessons and moments of growth. Here’s a closer look at some of the biggest changes we made at Organized Haven and in my personal life, as well as the lessons learned along the way.



One of the most impactful changes this year was building a warehouse on our personal property in Lakeland. This move allowed us to close down our Brick and Mortar location in North Lakeland, saving significant leasing fees that were set to rise beyond what we could afford. While the upfront costs of building the warehouse were substantial and the financial strain is something we still feel, this shift was essential.

The warehouse now serves as the central hub for all our moving supplies, equipment, and vehicles. Having everything close to home has simplified my daily workflow in ways I couldn’t have imagined. As a homeschooling mom who also runs a business from her desk, cutting out the commute to and from our previous location has been a game-changer.

This move also prompted us to reimagine our business structure. With reduced administrative costs and fewer staff needed to manage the new setup, we’ve streamlined operations. It’s far from perfect—the financial stress of managing new debts has been a significant burden—but it’s a step toward a leaner, more sustainable model for Organized Haven.



Another major shift was the adoption of new project management software. Early in the year, I found myself unexpectedly taking over as Project Manager after losing a key team member. In the midst of juggling multiple roles, this software became a lifeline. It sped up the time it takes to estimate projects, follow up with clients, and guide them through all phases of our work together. I often say, “it has saved my business, and my life.”

That said, wearing the Project Manager hat has been far from easy. Balancing this role alongside my responsibilities as Founder/Owner, Bookkeeper, HR Manager, Marketing Manager, Trainer, and more has stretched me thin. Marketing, in particular, has taken a backseat, and I’ve felt the weight of trying to juggle too many hats at once. While the software has made the operational side of things much more efficient, I’m hopeful that 2025 will bring the opportunity to hire a new Project Manager and find better balance in simplifying both life and business.



The move “home” wasn’t just about business logistics; it was also deeply personal. As a mom, wife, and homeschool teacher, having everything closer to home has been a necessity. Simplifying in this way has freed up more time to focus on what matters most—my family. But even with this newfound efficiency, the year has underscored the importance of delegating and recognizing when I’m spread too thin.


Lessons Learned

  • Simplification Requires Sacrifice: Building the warehouse and closing the office wasn’t easy, but it reinforced the idea that short-term sacrifices can lead to long-term gains.
  • Embrace Technology, but Know Your Limits: The project management software has been a lifesaver, but no tool can replace the need for human support when juggling too many roles.
  • Balance Is a Work in Progress: Simplifying doesn’t mean life becomes simple overnight. It’s an ongoing process of learning, adjusting, and prioritizing.


As I reflect on 2024, I’m grateful for the lessons learned and the progress made in simplifying both life and business. While there were missed opportunities and moments of overwhelm, this year has been a testament to the power of simplifying with intention. Here’s to continuing that journey into 2025, one step at a time.

Thank you for taking the time to reflect with me. Although it goes into much greater detail, last year’s year in review can be found here: Moving into an Organized 2024. Follow us on Facebook if you’d like to stay “in the know” on what we’re up to next!

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At Organized Haven, we specialize in helping people reclaim their spaces and find purpose in their possessions. Whether you’re ready to downsize, declutter, or reimagine your home, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.


Nicole and the Organized Haven Team

By: Nicole Ramer, CPO®, SMM~C® | Senior Home Coach™

(Certified Professional Organizer®, Certified Senior Move Manager®, and Chronic Disorganization Specialist®)

© 2024 Organized Haven. All rights reserved.

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